This is the Term Resolution page for NIDM-Experiment (NIDM-E), meaning that each term in NIDM-E has a URI that can be referred to when the term is used in a semantic web application. For example, points to the entry on this page for the term nidm:blooddraw, in the nidm namespace.
NIDM-E is a controlled terminology that can be used to describe neuroscience-related experiments. While NIDM-E was initially constructed to describe MRI-based neuroimaging studies, it has expanded to include both general terms needed to describe experiments and studies and domain-specific terms for non-MRI data.
While NIDM-E should currently be considered a "terminology" it is built from collections of terms from existing ontologies and augmented only when a needed term either does not exist in an ontology or the existing term has a different meaning or usage from that relevant for NIDM-E. The basis of NIDM-E is PROV-O, an W3C provenance ontology that has as its base elements, Entities, Activities, and Agents. Other terms have been imported from general ontologies as diverse and the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO) and the Information Artifact Ontology (IAO), and from domain-specific ontologies such as Ontoneurolog. NIDM-E also contains collections of terms that are used in the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) and DICOM standards.
Almost all terms in NIDM-E contain either definitions, or in the case of the BIDS terms, descriptions (which are not formal definitions). There are a few exceptions from ontologies in which most imported terms have definitions, but a very few do not. Terms imported into NIDM-E keep the definition from the parent ontology. Non-imported terms, those not found in other ontologies and created specifically for NIDM-E, all have definitions in the form of "X is a Y which Zs", where X is the term, Y is the genus and Z are the differentia (Seppala, Ruttenburg, Smith. Ci.Inf., BrasÃlia, DF, v.46 n.1, p.73-88, jan./abr. 2017).
The terms in NIDM-E are broken into several categories: classes, datatype properties, object properties, annotation properties, and named individuals. Terms considered to be classes are general terms that often describe what an experimental variable is "about", e.g., "age". Datatype properties connect numerical values to Entities, while object properties connect Entities and annotation properties are used to attach a note to an Entity that describes something about the Entity.
NIDM-E should also be considered "under construction". As noted above, the initial terms in NIDM-E were related to MRI-based neuroimaging, but NIDM-E has been constructed such that "hooks" exist that can be used to add terms needed to annotate terms from other modalities. NIDM-E was built by selecting terms needed to annotate real datasets and has expanded as new datasets are considered. As such, NIDM-E is a "practical", rather than "theoretical" terminology and so terms may be missing that may be useful, but were not needed for the datasets upon which NIDM-E was built to describe.
Suggestions for new terms, edits to term parentage, and term definitions are welcome. These can be suggested using the Issues function in GitHub here. Click on "Issues" -> "New issue" and a list of issue-type templates will become available. These can be used to make suggestions and track the discussion and resolution of each issue.
A use case for NIDM-E is shown below to illustrate how the MRI acquisition activity might be modeled.
NIDM-Experiment: Types and relations
Classes | Datatype Properties | Annotation Properties | Object Properties | Named IndividualsClasses
- Label: 'Acquisition'
- Definition: An acquisition is an activty during which data about a study participant is gathered.
- nidm:'Acquisition' is a prov:'Activity' and has the following children: nidm:'Series', onli:instrument-based-assessment, onli:variable-assessment.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Blood Draw'
- Label: 'Blood Draw'
- Definition: Blood draw is an activity in which blood is removed from the body, usually for the purpose of medically-related or scientific measurements.
- nidm:'Blood Draw' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Data Processing'
- Label: 'Data Processing'
- Definition: Data processing is an activity in which data is tranformed from its initial state at acquisition to a different state more amenable to analysis.
- nidm:'Data Processing' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction'
- Label: 'Image Data Reconstruction'
- Definition: Image data reconstruction is an activity in which raw data is transformed into a matrix of values that represent the spatial distribution of intensity based on some image contrast type.
- nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Model Specification'
- Label: 'Model Specification'
- Definition: Model specification is an activity in which the model designer creates the model that describes an experiment
- nidm:'Model Specification' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Project'
- Definition: A project is a coordinated set of activities designed to generate data acquisition objects, with the ultimate goal of discovery or hypothesis testing.
- nidm:'Project' is a prov:'Activity' and has the following child: sio:'clinical trial'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Radioactivity'
- Definition: Radioactivity is a random and spontaneous activity by which a nucleus emits alpha, beta or gamma radiation..
- nidm:'Radioactivity' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Resting'
- Definition: Resting is an activity in which the study participant does not perform a specific task.
- nidm:'Resting' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Series'
- Definition: A series is an activity in which data of a single type is acquired such that one acquisition takes place during the same temporal epoch.
- nidm:'Series' is a nidm:'Acquisition'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Session'
- Definition: A session is an activity during which data, potentially of different types, is acquired from a study participant by an experimenter during a single unbroken time period.
- nidm:'Session' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Task'
- Definition: A task is an activity that is performed by a study Participant to elucidate some aspect of human behavior or underlying process.
- nidm:'Task' is a prov:'Activity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Acquisition Method'
- Label: 'Acquisition Method'
- Definition: An acquisition method is a specific form of a procedure that was used to gather data from a study participant.
- nidm:'Acquisition Method' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Amperometry', nidm:'Angiography', nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling', nidm:'Current Clamp', nidm:'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced', nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast', nidm:'Electrocardiography', nidm:'Electrocorticography', nidm:'Electroencephalography', nidm:'Electromyography', nidm:'Electrooculography', nidm:'Fast Field Echo', nidm:'Field Potential', nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery', nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo', nidm:'Intracranial Electroencephalography', nidm:'Magnetization Transfer', nidm:'Multi-unit Recording', nidm:'Parallel Imaging', nidm:'Patch Clamp', nidm:'Sharp Electrode', nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice', nidm:'Single-unit Recording', nidm:'Spin Echo', nidm:'Steady State Free Precession', nidm:'Stereoelectroencephalography', nidm:'Voltage Clamp', nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Acquisition Modality'
- Label: 'Acquisition Modality'
- Definition: An acquisition modality is a description of the general type of experiment that was used to gather data from a study participant.
- nidm:'Acquisition Modality' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Electroencephalography', nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording', nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging', nidm:'Magnetoencephalography', nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging', nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy', nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography', nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography', nidm:'X-ray'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Acquisition Object'
- Label: 'Acquisition Object'
- Definition: An acquisition object is an entity that is gathered from a subject during an acquisition activity.
- nidm:'Acquisition Object' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: nidm:'Processed Acquisition Object', nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object', nidm:'Reconstructed Acquisition Object', onli:assessment-instrument, onli:instrument-variable.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Editor: ns6:card.ttl
nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality'
- Label: 'Acquisition Object Quality'
- Definition: An acquisition object quality is an quality that describes an essential feature of an object that is gathered from a study participant during an acquisition activity.
- nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' is a obo:'quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Acquisition Method', nidm:'Acquisition Modality', nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type', nidm:'Image Contrast Type', nidm:'Instrument Usage Type', nidm:'fMRI Design Type', nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type'
- Label: 'Acquisition Usage Type'
- Definition: Acquisition usage type is an acquisition object quality that denotes to what purpose the acquired object will be employed.
- nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Image Usage Type', nidm:'Noise Measurement'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Amperometry'
- Definition: Amperometry is an extracellular acquisition method in electrophysiology in which an electrode is brought near a cell to detect the release of ions by vesicles.
- nidm:'Amperometry' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Anatomical'
- Definition: Anatomical is a description of the usage of a given acquisition object, indicating that the purpose of the object is to provide information on the anatomy of the object on which the acquisition was performed.
- nidm:'Anatomical' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Angiography'
- Definition: Angiography is an acquisition method that visualizes the venus and arterial systems of the body.
- nidm:'Angiography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Label: 'Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Definition: Arterial spin labeling is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that measures perfusion using the flow of saturated blood into a predefined area by comparing the image intensity obtained in the slice with and without the saturation pulse.
- nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method' and has the following children: nidm:'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling', nidm:'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling', nidm:'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Attenuator'
- Definition: An attenuator is a device that reduces the amplitude of an input signal by a fixed amount while keeping the timecourse of the signal essentially unchanged.
- nidm:'Attenuator' is a nidm:'Data Processing Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'AuxiliaryFile'
- Definition: An auxiliary file is an information-bearing object that is either used to inform the execution of an experiment or that is generated during the execution of the experiment.
- nidm:'AuxiliaryFile' is a sio:'file' and has the following children: nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File', nidm:'Stimulus Response File', nidm:'b-value File', nidm:'b-vector File'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection'
- Label: 'Auxiliary File Collection'
- Definition: An auxiliary file collection is a grouping that contains the URI's of files that are necessary for the execution of the experiment or the processing of the data.
- nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection' is a prov:'Entity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Bandpass Filter'
- Label: 'Bandpass Filter'
- Definition: A bandpass filter is a device that modifies or removes certain signal components outside a selected frequency range from an electrical signal.
- nidm:'Bandpass Filter' is a nidm:'Signal Filter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Behavioral Instrument'
- Label: 'Behavioral Instrument'
- Definition: A behavioral instrument is a instrument usage type that signifies that the type of data to be collected by the instrument is behaviorally-related data.
- nidm:'Behavioral Instrument' is a nidm:'Instrument Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted'
- Label: 'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted'
- Definition: Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted is an image contrast type in which differences in voxel intensity are based on magnetic susceptibility differences between oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood.
- nidm:'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Calculated Parameter'
- Label: 'Calculated Parameter'
- Definition: A Calculated Parameter is a variable that is the result of the processing of a set of measurements.
- nidm:'Calculated Parameter' is a sio:'variable' and has the following children: nidm:'Cerebral Blood Flow', nidm:'Cerebral Blood Volume', nidm:'Magnitude', nidm:'Phase'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Cartesian'
- Definition: Cartesian is a k-space traversal scheme in MRI in which the path of the data acquisition follows a straight line parallel to one axis of the defined k-space and perpendicular to the other k=space axis.
- nidm:'Cartesian' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Cerebral Blood Flow'
- Label: 'Cerebral Blood Flow'
- Definition: Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is a calculated parameter that characterizes the blood volume in the brain.
- nidm:'Cerebral Blood Flow' is a nidm:'Calculated Parameter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Cerebral Blood Volume'
- Label: 'Cerebral Blood Volume'
- Definition: Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) is a calculated parameter that characterizes the blood volume in the brain.
- nidm:'Cerebral Blood Volume' is a nidm:'Calculated Parameter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Common Data Element'
- Label: 'Common Data Element'
- Definition: A common data element is a data element that is part of a collection of data elements, curated or not, which are available for reuse.
- nidm:'Common Data Element' is a nidm:'Data Element'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Label: 'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Definition: Continuous arterial spin labeling is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that uses continuous irradiation to invert the magnetization of flowing spins to measure perfusion.
- nidm:'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling' is a nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Current Amplifier'
- Label: 'Current Amplifier'
- Definition: A current amplifier is a device that increases the electrical current amplitude of an input electrical signal by a fixed amount, while keeping the voltage constant.
- nidm:'Current Amplifier' is a nidm:'Data Processing Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Current Clamp'
- Label: 'Current Clamp'
- Definition: A current clamp is an intracellular electrophysiology acquisition method in which current is injected into a cell and the voltage generated by the cell is recorded.
- nidm:'Current Clamp' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection'
- Label: 'DICOM Tag Collection'
- Definition: A DICOM tag collection is a group of identifiers and their values that are stored in the headers of DICOM-formatted acquisition objects and that record the acquisition and reconstruction parameters for that acquisition object.
- nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection' is a prov:'Entity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'
- Label: 'Data Acquisition Device'
- Definition: A data acquisition device is a device that collects a packet or stream of analog or digital information from an entity.
- nidm:'Data Acquisition Device' is a sio:'device' and has the following children: nidm:'Electrode', nidm:'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device', nidm:'Eye Tracking Device', nidm:'Heart Rate Monitor', nidm:'Image Acquisition Device', nidm:'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device', nidm:'Multi-electrode Array', nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device', nidm:'Receive Coil', nidm:'Respiration Rate Monitor'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Data Element'
- Label: 'Data Element'
- Definition: A data element is a variable, used in a scientific study, used to store either information regarding the acquisition, processing, or analysis of the acquisition object that resulted from the study activity.
- nidm:'Data Element' is a sio:'variable' and has the following children: nidm:'Common Data Element', nidm:'Personal Data Element'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Data Processing Device'
- Label: 'Data Processing Device'
- Definition: A data processing device is a device that manipulates a data packet, stream, or file by performing an operation on the data.
- nidm:'Data Processing Device' is a sio:'device' and has the following children: nidm:'Attenuator', nidm:'Current Amplifier', nidm:'Voltage Amplifier'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Date'
- Definition: A date is an information content entity compfising the combination of year, month, and numerical value for the day in that month that an event happened.
- nidm:'Date' is a sio:'information content entity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Demographics Instrument'
- Label: 'Demographics Instrument'
- Definition: A demographics instrument is a instrument usage type that signifies that the type of data to be collected by the instrument is demographics-related data.
- nidm:'Demographics Instrument' is a nidm:'Instrument Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Diffusion Tensor'
- Label: 'Diffusion Tensor'
- Definition: Diffusion tensor is an image usage type that denotes that the acquisition object collected can be used to construct the diffusion tensor of the imaged tissue.
- nidm:'Diffusion Tensor' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Diffusion Weighted'
- Label: 'Diffusion Weighted'
- Definition: Diffusion weighted is an image contrast type in which differences in voxel intensity are based on the brownian-motion behavior of the species that generates the detected signal from that voxel.
- nidm:'Diffusion Weighted' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'DistortionCorrection'
- Definition: Distortion correction is a description of the usage of a given acquisition object, indicating that the purpose of the object is to provide information used to correct distortions in a set of images.
- nidm:'DistortionCorrection' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced'
- Label: 'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced'
- Definition: Dynamic contrast enhanced is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which T1-weighted images are acquired both before and then sequentially after a contrast agent has been injected in order to quantify metrics related to the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
- nidm:'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast'
- Label: 'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast'
- Definition: Dynamic sysceptibility contrast is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which T2*-weighted images are acquired sequentially after a contrast agent has been injected in order to quantify metrics related to blood volume and flow.
- nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Echo Planar'
- Label: 'Echo Planar'
- Definition: Echo planar is a k-space traversal scheme used to acquire the k-space data in magnetic resonance imaging in which the entirety of k-space is continuously traversed for each repetition of the pulse sequence.
- nidm:'Echo Planar' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electrocardiography'
- Definition: Electrocardiography (ECG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which electrodes placed on the skin measure the electrical activity of the heart.
- nidm:'Electrocardiography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electrocorticography'
- Definition: Electrocorticography (ECoG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which the electrical activity of the brain is measured using electrodes that are placed directly on the cortical surface of the brain.
- nidm:'Electrocorticography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electrode'
- Definition: An electrode is a data acquisition device that consists of a conductor that is used to record an electrical signal from a study participant.
- nidm:'Electrode' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electroencephalography'
- Definition: Electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which the electrical activity of the brain is measured using electrodes that are placed on the surface of the head.
- nidm:'Electroencephalography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device'
- Label: 'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device'
- Definition: An electroencephalography (EEG) acquisition device is a device that measures the electrical activity of the brain and consists of a set of electrodes placed on the surface of the head and a recording device that collects the signal from each electrode.
- nidm:'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electromyography'
- Definition: Electromyography (EMG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which the electrical activity of the muscles is measured using either surface or inserted electrodes.
- nidm:'Electromyography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electrooculography'
- Definition: Electrooculography (EOG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which the resting potential between the cornea of the eye and Bruch's membrance is measured.
- nidm:'Electrooculography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording'
- Label: 'Electrophysiology Recording'
- Definition: Electrophysiology Recording is an acquisition modality in which electrical signals are recorded from one or more electrodes inserted into living tissue.
- nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality' and has the following children: nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording', nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Electroencephalography'
- Definition: Encephalography is an acquisition modality in which the electrical activity or structure of the brain is measured using a variety of techniques.
- nidm:'Electroencephalography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Ex Vivo'
- Label: 'Ex Vivo'
- Definition: Ex vivo is a organismal quality, usually used as an attribute of an Agent, that indicates that the Agent it describes was once part of a living organism, but has been removed.
- nidm:'Ex Vivo' is a obo:'organismal quality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording'
- Label: 'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording'
- Definition: Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording is an acquisition modality in which one or more electrodes are inserted into living tissue and the electrical signals from adjacent cells are recorded.
- nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording' is a nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Eye Tracking Device'
- Label: 'Eye Tracking Device'
- Definition: An eye tracking device is a device that consists of hardware that follows the motion of one or both eyes of the study participant, which allows the determination of either the gaze location or of relative eye motion.
- nidm:'Eye Tracking Device' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fast Field Echo'
- Label: 'Fast Field Echo'
- Definition: Fast Field Echo is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that employs a gradient to dephase and rephase the signal to create an echo, a gradient-recalled echo, which is then measured.
- nidm:'Fast Field Echo' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition'
- Label: 'Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition'
- Definition: Fast imaging employing steady state acquisition (FIESTA) is a gradient recalled echo based magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which a series of phase-alternating radiofrequency pulses are applied, in conjunction with a balanced set of gradients, generating free induction decays and a steady-state transverse magnetization, the signal from which is collected.
- nidm:'Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition' is a nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fast Imaging With Steady State'
- Label: 'Fast Imaging With Steady State'
- Definition: Fast imaging with steady state precession (FISP) is a gradient recalled echo based magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which a series of phase-alternating radiofrequency pulses are applied, in conjunction with spoiler and rewinder gradients, generating free induction decays and a steady-state transverse magnetization, the signal from which is collected.
- nidm:'Fast Imaging With Steady State' is a nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fast Low Angle Shot'
- Label: 'Fast Low Angle Shot'
- Definition: Fast Low Angle Shot is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that employs a gradient to dephase and rephase the signal to create an echo, which is then measured, and an additional gradient to destroy any residual magnetization at the end of the pulse sequence.
- nidm:'Fast Low Angle Shot' is a nidm:'Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fast Spin Echo'
- Label: 'Fast Spin Echo'
- Definition: Fast spin echo is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which the echo used in the measurement is generated by application of an initial radiofrequency 90 degree pulse and multiple subsequent 180 degree pulses, the latter in conjunction with a different phase-encoding gradient at each refocussed echo.
- nidm:'Fast Spin Echo' is a nidm:'Spin Echo'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Field Potential'
- Label: 'Field Potential'
- Definition: The field potential is an extracellular electrophysiology acquisition method in which an electrode is used to measure the voltage that is generated by synaptic activity (in neural tissue).
- nidm:'Field Potential' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'File Path'
- Label: 'File Path'
- Definition: A file path is the location of a file on a computer storage volume.
- nidm:'File Path' is a nidm:'Path'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Flow Weighted'
- Label: 'Flow Weighted'
- Definition: Flow weighted is an image contrast type in which differences in voxel intensity are based on the bulk motion behavior of the species that generates the detected signal from that voxel.
- nidm:'Flow Weighted' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery'
- Label: 'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery'
- Definition: Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery, which is often known by its acronym, FLAIR, is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which images are acquired after an initial magnetization inversion pulse is applied and a delay duration that is selected such that the signal from bulk fluid such as cerebral spinal fluid or fluid in lesions is nulled.
- nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Functional'
- Definition: Functional is a description of the usage of a given acquisition object, indicating that the purpose of the object is to provide information on the biological function of some aspect of the object on which the acquisition was performed.
- nidm:'Functional' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type' and has the following children: nidm:'Resting State', nidm:'Task Based'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Gender'
- Definition: Gender is a social entity that identifies which of either male or female a person identifies as, and which may be different from biological sex.
- nidm:'Gender' is a sio:'social entity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Gradient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State'
- Label: 'Gradient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State'
- Definition: Gradient recalled acquisition in steady state (GRASS) is a gradient recalled echo based magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which a series of phase-alternating radiofrequency pulses are applied, generating free induction decays and a steady-state transverse magnetization, the signal from which is collected.
- nidm:'Gradient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State' is a nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo'
- Label: 'Gradient Recalled Echo'
- Definition: Gradient recalled echo is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which the echo used in the measurement is generated by application and subsequent reversal of the frequency-encoding gradient and is characterized by flip angles of less than 90 degrees and the evolution being governed by T2star decay.
- nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method' and has the following children: nidm:'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo', nidm:'Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Group'
- Definition: A group is a collection of agents or entities formed by the assignment of membership through the selection of one or more common characteristics.
- nidm:'Group' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following children: sio:'control group', sio:'intervention group'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Heart Rate Monitor'
- Label: 'Heart Rate Monitor'
- Definition: A heart rate monitor is a data acquisition device that records the number of heart beats in a given period of time of a subject.
- nidm:'Heart Rate Monitor' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'High-Pass Filter'
- Label: 'High-Pass Filter'
- Definition: A high-pass filter is a device that removes or attenuates signal components below a selected frequency value from an electrical signal.
- nidm:'High-Pass Filter' is a nidm:'Signal Filter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Image Acquisition Device'
- Label: 'Image Acquisition Device'
- Definition: An image acquisition device is a data acquisition device that has an image as its primary output.
- nidm:'Image Acquisition Device' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device' and has the following children: nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner', nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner', nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Scanner', nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Image Contrast Type'
- Label: 'Image Contrast Type'
- Definition: Image Contrast Type is an acquisition object quality that denotes the physical properties on which differences in image intensity, in an image, are based.
- nidm:'Image Contrast Type' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted', nidm:'Diffusion Weighted', nidm:'Flow Weighted', nidm:'Linear Attenuation Coefficient', nidm:'Maximum Intensity Projection', nidm:'Proton Density Weighted', nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted', nidm:'T1 Rho Weighted', nidm:'T1 Weighted', nidm:'T2 Star Weighted', nidm:'T2 Weighted'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Image Usage Type'
- Label: 'Image Usage Type'
- Definition: Image Usage Type is an acquisition object quality that denotes to what purpose the acquired object will be employed.
- nidm:'Image Usage Type' is a nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type' and has the following children: nidm:'Anatomical', nidm:'Diffusion Tensor', nidm:'DistortionCorrection', nidm:'Functional', nidm:'Localization', nidm:'Perfusion', nidm:'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping', nidm:'Structural', nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'In Vitro'
- Label: 'In Vitro'
- Definition: In vitro is a organismal quality, usually used as an attribute of an Agent, that indicates that the Agent it describes is outside of a living organism.
- nidm:'In Vitro' is a obo:'organismal quality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'In Vivo'
- Label: 'In Vivo'
- Definition: In vivo is a organismal quality, usually used as an attribute of an Agent, that indicates that the Agent it describes is a living organism.
- nidm:'In Vivo' is a obo:'organismal quality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Informed Consent Instrument'
- Label: 'Informed Consent Instrument'
- Definition: An informed consent instrument is a instrument usage type used for an instrument is used to collect the consent of the study participant after providing information about the study, such as what data will be collected and under what conditions.
- nidm:'Informed Consent Instrument' is a nidm:'Instrument Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Inside-out Spiral'
- Label: 'Inside-out Spiral'
- Definition: Inside-out spiral is a k-space traversal scheme in which the path along which magnetic resonance imaging k-space data is acquired is in the shape of a spiral and the data at the center of k-space is acquired first.
- nidm:'Inside-out Spiral' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Instrument Usage Type'
- Label: 'Instrument Usage Type'
- Definition: Instrument Usage Type is an acquisition object quality that denotes to what purpose the acquired object will be employed.
- nidm:'Instrument Usage Type' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Behavioral Instrument', nidm:'Demographics Instrument', nidm:'Informed Consent Instrument'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'
- Label: 'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'
- Definition: Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording is an activity in which electrical measurements of the interior cell environment are made.
- nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording' is a nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Intracranial Electroencephalography'
- Label: 'Intracranial Electroencephalography'
- Definition: Intracranial Electroencephalography (iEEG) is an electrophysiological acquisition method in which the electrical activity of the brain is measured using electrodes that are placed directly on the surface of the brain.
- nidm:'Intracranial Electroencephalography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Linear Attenuation Coefficient'
- Label: 'Linear Attenuation Coefficient'
- Definition: Linear attenuation coefficient is an image contrast type in which differences in voxel intensity reflect differences in the density and atomic number of the sample.
- nidm:'Linear Attenuation Coefficient' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Localization'
- Definition: Localization is a description of the usage of a given acquisition object, indicating that the purpose of the object is to provide information on the placement and orientation of the imaged object in space.
- nidm:'Localization' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Low-Pass Filter'
- Label: 'Low-Pass Filter'
- Definition: A low-pass filter is a device that removes or attenuates signal components above a selected frequency value from an electrical signal.
- nidm:'Low-Pass Filter' is a nidm:'Signal Filter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'
- Label: 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'
- Definition: Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an acquisition modality in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant and the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate intensity contrast between different tissue types or structures.
- nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner'
- Label: 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner'
- Definition: A magnetic resonance imaging scanner is a data acquisition device that uses radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation to excite nuclei of a study participant and uses the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate intensity contrast between different tissue types or structures.
- nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner' is a nidm:'Image Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo'
- Label: 'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo'
- Definition: Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which the echoes used in the measurement is generated by application of an initial radiofrequency 180 degree pulse followed by multiple subsequent small flip angle pulses separated by short echo times.
- nidm:'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo' is a nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Magnetization Transfer'
- Label: 'Magnetization Transfer'
- Definition: Magnetization transfer is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which a radiofrequency pulse is applied off resonance (with respect to free protons)and the saturation transfer between protons bound to macromolecules and free protons is measured.
- nidm:'Magnetization Transfer' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Magnetoencephalography'
- Definition: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an acquisition modality in which the magnetic fields, resulting from electrical activity in the brain, are detected and used to elucidate the time course of brain electrical activity.
- nidm:'Magnetoencephalography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device'
- Label: 'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device'
- Definition: An magnetoencephalography (MEG) acquisition device is a device that measures magnetic signals generated by the electrical activity of the brain and consists of a set of magnetometers placed near the surface of the head and a recording device that collects the signal from each electrode.
- nidm:'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Magnitude'
- Definition: Magnitude is a calculated parameter that measures the number of periods accumulated by a variable during an evolution duration.
- nidm:'Magnitude' is a nidm:'Calculated Parameter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Maximum Intensity Projection'
- Label: 'Maximum Intensity Projection'
- Definition: Maximum intensity projection is an image contrast type in which differences in voxel intensity reflect differences in the maximum value of the collection of that voxel and its surrounding neighbors.
- nidm:'Maximum Intensity Projection' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Multi-unit Recording'
- Label: 'Multi-unit Recording'
- Definition: Multi-unit recording is an extracellular electrophysiological acquisition method in which an acquisition object is gathered using multiple recording devices.
- nidm:'Multi-unit Recording' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Multi-electrode Array'
- Label: 'Multi-electrode Array'
- Definition: A multi-electrode array is a data acquisition device that records more than one concurrent electrical signal from study participant or sample.
- nidm:'Multi-electrode Array' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Multiple Spin Echo'
- Label: 'Multiple Spin Echo'
- Definition: Multiple spin echo is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method in which the echoes used in the measurement are generated by application of an initial radiofrequency 90 degree pulse and multiple subsequent 180 degree pulses,and each succeeding echo is used as a k-space line in an image with a longer echo time.
- nidm:'Multiple Spin Echo' is a nidm:'Spin Echo'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Block-Based Design'
- Label: 'Block-Based Design'
- Definition: A block-based design is a fMRI design comprised of epochs of stimulus and/or behavior.
- nidm:'Block-Based Design' is a nidm:'fMRI Design Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Editor Note: Discussed at
nidm:'Event-Related Design'
- Label: 'Event-Related Design'
- Definition: An event-related design is a fMRI design comprised of discrete events of stimulus and/or behavior.
- nidm:'Event-Related Design' is a nidm:'fMRI Design Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Editor Note: Discussed at
nidm:'Mixed Design'
- Label: 'Mixed Design'
- Definition: A mixed design is a fMRI design comprised of both epochs & discrete events of stimulus and/or behavior.
- nidm:'Mixed Design' is a nidm:'fMRI Design Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Editor Note: Discussed at
nidm:'fMRI Design Type'
- Label: 'fMRI Design Type'
- Definition: An fMRI design type is the type of stimulus presentation used in the data acquisition; one of block-based design, event-related design or mixed design.
- nidm:'fMRI Design Type' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' and has the following children: nidm:'Block-Based Design', nidm:'Event-Related Design', nidm:'Mixed Design'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Editor Note: Discussed at
nidm:'Noise Measurement'
- Label: 'Noise Measurement'
- Definition: Noise measurement is an acquisition usage type that denotes that the acquisition object collected has been used to measure the intrinsic noise level of the acquisition hardware.
- nidm:'Noise Measurement' is a nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device'
- Label: 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device'
- Definition: A Nuclear magnetic resonance device is an data acquisition device in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant, the characteristics of the detected signal are used to infer information regarding the chemical or physical environment of the sample.
- nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device' is a nidm:'Data Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging'
- Label: 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging'
- Definition: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging is an acquisition modality in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant, the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate intensity contrast over a restricted (usually grid-like) area, and the resulting signal is displayed as a spectrum for each one of the spatially-resolved areas.
- nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'
- Label: 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'
- Definition: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is an acquisition modality in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant, the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate signal intensity contrast over an entire selected volume, and the resulting signal is displayed as a signal spectrum rather than as matrix meant to be a representation of the underlying object.
- nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Outside-in Spiral'
- Label: 'Outside-in Spiral'
- Definition: Outside-inSpiral is a k-space traversal scheme in which the path, along which magnetic resonance imaging k-space data is acquired, is spiral and the data further away from the center of k-space is acquired first.
- nidm:'Outside-in Spiral' is a nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Parallel Imaging'
- Label: 'Parallel Imaging'
- Definition: Parallel imaging is an acquisition method used in magnetic resonance imaging to acquire the k-space data in which multiple coils are employed and the signals from each coil are disambiguated using the coil sensitivity profile.
- nidm:'Parallel Imaging' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Patch Clamp'
- Label: 'Patch Clamp'
- Definition: Patch clamp is an intracellular electrophysiological acquisiiton method in which a micropipette tip is brought near a cell and scution applied drawing a section of cell membrane into the tip in order that ion movement or the intracellular environment can be studied.
- nidm:'Patch Clamp' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Path'
- Definition: A path is the location of an entity on a computer storage volume.
- nidm:'Path' is a prov:'Entity' and has the following child: nidm:'File Path'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Performed Plan'
- Label: 'Performed Plan'
- Definition: A performed plan is a plan that is actually implemented during an acquisition activity.
- nidm:'Performed Plan' is a prov:'Entity'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Perfusion'
- Definition: Perfusion is a description of the usage of a given acquisition object, indicating that the purpose of the object is to provide information on the blood flow of the object on which the acquisition was performed.
- nidm:'Perfusion' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Personal Data Element'
- Label: 'Personal Data Element'
- Definition: A personal data element is a data element that is part of a collection of data elements that have been defined locally, e.g., used to single study, lab, or project, but that are not meant for adoption by a wider community.
- nidm:'Personal Data Element' is a nidm:'Data Element'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Phantom'
- Definition: A phantom is a device that is used in a study as an inanimate study participant from which data is acquired to measure performancde, variability or reproducibility of an data acquisition device.
- nidm:'Phantom' is a sio:'device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Phase'
- Definition: Phase is a calculated parameter that measures the number of periods accumulated by a variable during an evolution duration.
- nidm:'Phase' is a nidm:'Calculated Parameter'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography'
- Label: 'Positron Emission Tomography'
- Definition: Positron emission tomography is an acquisition modality in which a positron-emitting radioactive tracer is introduced into the study participant and the gamma rays emitted after a positron-electron collision are detected and their originating position calculated.
- nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner'
- Label: 'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner'
- Definition: A positron emission tomography scanner is a data-acquisition device that collects gamma rays emitted by a study participant who is administered a positron-emitting radioactive substance and creates an image by calculating the originating position of the gamma rays.
- nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner' is a nidm:'Image Acquisition Device'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Processed Acquisition Object'
- Label: 'Processed Acquisition Object'
- Definition: A processeded acquisition object is an acquisition object that has undergone an image reconstruction activity resulting in a matrix of values that when viewed form an image.
- nidm:'Processed Acquisition Object' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
- Label: 'Protocol'
- Definition: An protocol is a specified plan that contains information necessary to acquire the desired data during a session and the acquisition device parameters that are to be used in that acquisition.
- nidm:'Protocol' is a nidm:'Specified Plan'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Proton Density Weighted'
- Label: 'Proton Density Weighted'
- Definition: Proton density weighted is a image contrast type in magnetic resonance imaging in which differences in voxel intensity reflect underlying differences in the number of protons in those voxels.
- nidm:'Proton Density Weighted' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Label: 'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Definition: Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL)is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that uses a long series of short RF-pulses and strong slice-selection gradients to invert the magnetization of flowing spins from a thin slice to measure perfusion.
- nidm:'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling' is a nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Label: 'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling'
- Definition: Pulsed arterial spin labeling (pCASL)is a magnetic resonance imaging acquisition method that inverts the magnetization of flowing spins in a slab of tissue below the imaging slice to measure perfusion.
- nidm:'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling' is a nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping'
- Label: 'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping'
- Definition: Quantitative susceptibility mapping is a magentic resonance imaging image-usage type in which differences in voxel intensity reflect quantitative differences magnetic susceptibilty of the underlying sample.
- nidm:'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping' is a nidm:'Image Usage Type'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'
nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object'
- Label: 'Raw Acquisition Object'
- Definition: A raw acquisition object is an acquisition object that has not yet undergone any further processing steps such asthe image reconstruction process.
- nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object' is a nidm:'Acquisition Object'.
- Type: owl:Class
- Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'