This is the Term Resolution page for NIDM-Experiment Based on BFO/COB (NEC), meaning that each term in NEC has a URI that can be referred to when the term is used in a semantic web application. For example, points to the entry on this page for the term nidm:blooddraw, in the nidm namespace.

NEC (NIDM-Experiment based on COB) is an effort to construct a sound ontological basis for the NIDM-Experiment ontology, by using the Basic Formal Ontology as the foundational term set. We also have leveraged and the Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine (COB) which has been created as a "starter set" ontology – a smaller subset of terms from BFO that adheres to the BFO organization and adds some terms commonly used in biology and biomedicine. By basing a new ontology on BFO/COB, we can leverage a wide array of ontologies such as the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), which contains many terms useful in describing neuroscientific experiments. This means that all the data in an experiment which collects MRI, PET, CT, blood samples, and neuropsychological instrument data can be modeled by NEC to an arbitrary level of detail and within the same framework, which facilitates all the data to be Findable, Reusable, and Interoperable – part of the FAIR Principles.

NEC is an ontology that can be used to describe neuroscience-related experiments. While NIDM-E was initially constructed to describe MRI-based neuroimaging studies, it has since been expanded to include both general terms needed to describe experiments using other non-MRI data acquisition modalities.

The conversion of NIDM-E from an earlier version as a PROV-based controlled terminology to a BFO-based ontology is ongoing. It is built from collections of terms from existing BFO-related ontologies and augmented only when a needed term either does not exist in an active or recent ontology or the existing terms have a different meaning or usage from that relevant for NIDM-E. NIDM-E also contains collections of terms that are used in the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) and terms that represent the full set of DICOM tags.

All terms in NIDM-E contain either definition or, in the case of the BIDS terms, descriptions (which are not formal definitions). Terms imported into NIDM-E keep the definition from the parent ontology. Terms created specifically for NIDM-E, all have definitions in the form of "X is a Y which Zs", where X is the term, Y is the genus and Z are the differentia (Seppala, Ruttenburg, Smith. Ci.Inf., Brasília, DF, v.46 n.1, p.73-88, jan./abr. 2017).

The terms in NIDM-E are broken into several categories: classes, datatype properties, object properties, annotation properties, and named individuals. Terms considered to be classes are general terms that often describe what an experimental variable is "about", e.g., "age". Datatype properties connect numerical values to Entities, while object properties connect Entities and annotation properties are used to attach a note to an Entity that describes something about the Entity.

NEC should also be considered "under construction". As noted above, the initial terms in NIDM-E were related to MRI-based neuroimaging, but NIDM-E (and now NEC) has been constructed such that "hooks" exist that can be used to add terms needed to annotate terms from other modalities.

NIDM-E was built by selecting terms needed to annotate real datasets and has expanded as new datasets are considered. As such, NEC is a "practical", rather than "theoretical" terminology and so terms may be missing that may be useful, but were not needed for the datasets upon which NIDM-E was built to describe. Suggestions for new terms, edits to term parentage, and term definitions are welcome. These can be suggested using the Issues function in GitHub. Click on "Issues" -> "New issue" and a list of issue-type templates will become available. These can be used to make suggestions and track the discussion and resolution of each issue. We are also actively providing feedback to other ontologies on the terms we have imported in NEC.

NIDM-Experiment: Types and relations

Classes | Datatype Properties | Annotation Properties | Object Properties


nidm:'Acquisition Device Operator'

nidm:'Acquisition Device Operator' has attributes:

nidm:'Acquisition Method'

nidm:'Acquisition Modality'

nidm:'Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Acquisition Object' has attributes:

nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality'

nidm:'Acquisition Object Quality' has attributes:

nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type'

nidm:'Acquisition Usage Type' has attributes:


nidm:'Amperometry' has attributes:


nidm:'Anatomical' has attributes:


nidm:'Angiography' has attributes:

nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling'

nidm:'Arterial Spin Labeling' has attributes:


nidm:'Attenuator' has attributes:


nidm:'AuxiliaryFile' has attributes:

nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection'

nidm:'Auxiliary File Collection' has attributes:

nidm:'Bandpass Filter'

nidm:'Bandpass Filter' has attributes:

nidm:'Behavioral Instrument'

nidm:'Behavioral Instrument' has attributes:

nidm:'Blood Draw'

nidm:'Blood Draw' has attributes:

nidm:'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted'

nidm:'Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'Calculated Parameter'

nidm:'Calculated Parameter' has attributes:


nidm:'Cartesian' has attributes:

nidm:'Cerebral Blood Flow'

nidm:'Cerebral Blood Flow' has attributes:

nidm:'Cerebral Blood Volume'

nidm:'Cerebral Blood Volume' has attributes:

nidm:'Clinical Research Coordinator'

nidm:'Clinical Research Coordinator' has attributes:


nidm:'Co-Investigator' has attributes:

nidm:'Common Data Element'

nidm:'Common Data Element' has attributes:

nidm:'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'

nidm:'Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling' has attributes:

nidm:'Current Amplifier'

nidm:'Current Amplifier' has attributes:

nidm:'Current Clamp'

nidm:'Current Clamp' has attributes:

nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection'

nidm:'DICOM Tag Collection' has attributes:

nidm:'Data Processing'

nidm:'Data Processing' has attributes:

nidm:'Data Processing Device'

nidm:'Data Processing Device' has attributes:


nidm:'Date' has attributes:

nidm:'Demographics Instrument'

nidm:'Demographics Instrument' has attributes:

nidm:'Diffusion Tensor'

nidm:'Diffusion Tensor' has attributes:

nidm:'Diffusion Weighted'

nidm:'Diffusion Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'Directory Path'

nidm:'Directory Path' has attributes:


nidm:'DistortionCorrection' has attributes:

nidm:'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced'

nidm:'Dynamic Contrast Enhanced' has attributes:

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast'

nidm:'Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast' has attributes:

nidm:'Echo Planar'

nidm:'Echo Planar' has attributes:


nidm:'Electrocardiography' has attributes:


nidm:'Electrocorticography' has attributes:


nidm:'Electrode' has attributes:


nidm:'Electroencephalography' has attributes:

nidm:'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device'

nidm:'Electroencephalography Acquisition Device' has attributes:


nidm:'Electromyography' has attributes:


nidm:'Electrooculography' has attributes:

nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Electrophysiology Recording' has attributes:


nidm:'Electroencephalography' has attributes:

nidm:'Ex Vivo'

nidm:'Ex Vivo' has attributes:

nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording' has attributes:

nidm:'Eye Tracking Device'

nidm:'Eye Tracking Device' has attributes:

nidm:'Fast Field Echo'

nidm:'Fast Field Echo' has attributes:

nidm:'Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition'

nidm:'Fast Imaging Employing Steady State Acquisition' has attributes:

nidm:'Fast Imaging With Steady State'

nidm:'Fast Imaging With Steady State' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Fast Imaging With Steady State'
  • Definition: Fast imaging with steady state precession (FISP) is a gradient recalled echo based magnetic resonance imaging assay method in which a series of phase-alternating radiofrequency pulses are applied, in conjunction with spoiler and rewinder gradients, generating free induction decays and a steady-state transverse magnetization, the signal from which is collected.
  • nidm:'Fast Imaging With Steady State' is a nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Fast Low Angle Shot'

nidm:'Fast Low Angle Shot' has attributes:

nidm:'Fast Spin Echo'

nidm:'Fast Spin Echo' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Fast Spin Echo'
  • Definition: Fast spin echo is a magnetic resonance imaging assay method in which the echo used in the measurement is generated by application of an initial radiofrequency 90 degree pulse and multiple subsequent 180 degree pulses, the latter in conjunction with a different phase-encoding gradient at each refocussed echo.
  • nidm:'Fast Spin Echo' is a nidm:'Spin Echo'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Field Potential'

nidm:'Field Potential' has attributes:

nidm:'File Path'

nidm:'File Path' has attributes:

nidm:'Flow Weighted'

nidm:'Flow Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery'

nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery'
  • Definition: Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery, which is often known by its acronym, FLAIR, is a magnetic resonance imaging assay method in which images are acquired after an initial magnetization inversion pulse is applied and a delay duration that is selected such that the signal from bulk fluid such as cerebral spinal fluid or fluid in lesions is nulled.
  • nidm:'Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'


nidm:'Functional' has attributes:


nidm:'Gender' has attributes:

nidm:'Gradient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State'

nidm:'Gradient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State' has attributes:

nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo'

nidm:'Gradient Recalled Echo' has attributes:


nidm:'Group' has attributes:

nidm:'Heart Rate Monitor'

nidm:'Heart Rate Monitor' has attributes:

nidm:'High-Pass Filter'

nidm:'High-Pass Filter' has attributes:

nidm:'Image Acquisition Device'

nidm:'Image Acquisition Device' has attributes:

nidm:'Image Contrast Type'

nidm:'Image Contrast Type' has attributes:

nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction'

nidm:'Image Data Reconstruction' has attributes:

nidm:'Image Usage Type'

nidm:'Image Usage Type' has attributes:

nidm:'In Vitro'

nidm:'In Vitro' has attributes:

nidm:'In Vivo'

nidm:'In Vivo' has attributes:

nidm:'Informed Consent Instrument'

nidm:'Inside-out Spiral'

nidm:'Inside-out Spiral' has attributes:

nidm:'Instrument Administrator'

nidm:'Instrument Administrator' has attributes:

nidm:'Instrument Usage Type'

nidm:'Instrument Usage Type' has attributes:

nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording'

nidm:'Intracellular Electrophysiology Recording' has attributes:

nidm:'Intracranial Electroencephalography'

nidm:'Intracranial Electroencephalography' has attributes:

nidm:'Linear Attenuation Coefficient'

nidm:'Linear Attenuation Coefficient' has attributes:


nidm:'Localization' has attributes:

nidm:'Low-Pass Filter'

nidm:'Low-Pass Filter' has attributes:

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging'

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging' has attributes:

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner'

nidm:'Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner' has attributes:

nidm:'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo'

nidm:'Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo' has attributes:

nidm:'Magnetization Transfer'

nidm:'Magnetization Transfer' has attributes:


nidm:'Magnetoencephalography' has attributes:

nidm:'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device'

nidm:'Magnetoencephalography Acquisition Device' has attributes:


nidm:'Magnitude' has attributes:


nidm:'Manufacturer' has attributes:

nidm:'Maximum Intensity Projection'

nidm:'Maximum Intensity Projection' has attributes:

nidm:'Model Designer'

nidm:'Model Designer' has attributes:

nidm:'Model Specification'

nidm:'Model Specification' has attributes:

nidm:'Multi-unit Recording'

nidm:'Multi-unit Recording' has attributes:

nidm:'Multi-electrode Array'

nidm:'Multi-electrode Array' has attributes:

nidm:'Multiple Spin Echo'

nidm:'Multiple Spin Echo' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Multiple Spin Echo'
  • Definition: Multiple spin echo is a magnetic resonance imaging assay method in which the echoes used in the measurement are generated by application of an initial radiofrequency 90 degree pulse and multiple subsequent 180 degree pulses,and each succeeding echo is used as a k-space line in an image with a longer echo time.
  • nidm:'Multiple Spin Echo' is a nidm:'Spin Echo'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Block-Based Design'

nidm:'Block-Based Design' has attributes:

nidm:'Event-Related Design'

nidm:'Mixed Design'

nidm:'Mixed Design' has attributes:

nidm:'fMRI Design Type'

nidm:'fMRI Design Type' has attributes:

nidm:'Noise Measurement'

nidm:'Noise Measurement' has attributes:

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device'

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Device' has attributes:

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging'

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging'
  • Definition: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging is an assay modality in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant, the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate intensity contrast over a restricted (usually grid-like) area, and the resulting signal is displayed as a spectrum for each one of the spatially-resolved areas.
  • nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'

nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy'
  • Definition: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is an assay modality in which radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation is used to excite nuclei of the study participant, the characteristics of the detected signal are used to generate signal intensity contrast over an entire selected volume, and the resulting signal is displayed as a signal spectrum rather than as matrix meant to be a representation of the underlying object.
  • nidm:'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Outside-in Spiral'

nidm:'Outside-in Spiral' has attributes:

nidm:'Parallel Imaging'

nidm:'Parallel Imaging' has attributes:

nidm:'Patch Clamp'

nidm:'Patch Clamp' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Patch Clamp'
  • Definition: Patch clamp is an intracellular electrophysiological assay method in which a micropipette tip is brought near a cell and scution applied drawing a section of cell membrane into the tip in order that ion movement or the intracellular environment can be studied.
  • nidm:'Patch Clamp' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'


nidm:'Path' has attributes:

nidm:'Performed Plan'

nidm:'Performed Plan' has attributes:


nidm:'Perfusion' has attributes:

nidm:'Personal Data Element'

nidm:'Personal Data Element' has attributes:


nidm:'Phantom' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Phantom'
  • Definition: A phantom is a device that is used in a study as an inanimate study participant from which data is acquired to measure performance, variability or reproducibility of an assay device.
  • nidm:'Phantom' is a obo:'device'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'


nidm:'Phase' has attributes:

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography'

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography' has attributes:

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner'

nidm:'Positron Emission Tomography Scanner' has attributes:

nidm:'Presentation Software'

nidm:'Presentation Software' has attributes:

nidm:'Principal Investigator'

nidm:'Principal Investigator' has attributes:

nidm:'Processed Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Processed Acquisition Object' has attributes:


nidm:'Project' has attributes:


nidm:'Protocol' has attributes:

nidm:'Proton Density Weighted'

nidm:'Proton Density Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling'

nidm:'Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling' has attributes:

nidm:'Pulse Sequence'

nidm:'Pulse Sequence' has attributes:

nidm:'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling'

nidm:'Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling' has attributes:

nidm:'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping'

nidm:'Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping' has attributes:


nidm:'Radioactivity' has attributes:

nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Raw Acquisition Object' has attributes:

nidm:'Receive Coil'

nidm:'Receive Coil' has attributes:

nidm:'Reconstructed Acquisition Object'

nidm:'Reconstructed Acquisition Object' has attributes:


nidm:'Rectilinear' has attributes:

nidm:'Research Assistant'

nidm:'Research Assistant' has attributes:

nidm:'Respiration Rate Monitor'

nidm:'Respiration Rate Monitor' has attributes:


nidm:'Resting' has attributes:

nidm:'Resting State'

nidm:'Resting State' has attributes:


nidm:'Series' has attributes:


nidm:'Session' has attributes:

nidm:'Session Object'

nidm:'Session Object' has attributes:

nidm:'Sharp Electrode'

nidm:'Sharp Electrode' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Sharp Electrode'
  • Definition: Sharp electrode is intracellular electrophysiological assay method used for measuring the potential of the intracellular environment with minimal disturbance of that environment, in which a pipette, filled with electrolyte and with a very small opening, is inserted into the cell and the potential measured.
  • nidm:'Sharp Electrode' is a nidm:'Acquisition Method'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Signal Filter'

nidm:'Signal Filter' has attributes:

nidm:'Signal Generator'

nidm:'Signal Generator' has attributes:

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice'

nidm:'Simultaneous Multislice' has attributes:

nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography'

nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography'
  • Definition: Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)is an assay modality in which a gamma-ray-emitting radioisotope is introduced into the study participant and the emitted gamma rays are detected in a series of cross-sectional views, acquired in detectors encircling the study participant, enabling a three-dimensional volume to be reconstructed using a tomographic reconstruction method.
  • nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Scanner'

nidm:'Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Scanner' has attributes:

nidm:'Single-unit Recording'

nidm:'Single-unit Recording' has attributes:

nidm:'Spin Echo'

nidm:'Spin Echo' has attributes:

nidm:'Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo'

nidm:'Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo' has attributes:

nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'

nidm:'Steady State Free Precession' has attributes:


nidm:'Stereoelectroencephalography' has attributes:

nidm:'Stimulus Generator'

nidm:'Stimulus Generator' has attributes:

nidm:'Stimulus Isolator'

nidm:'Stimulus Isolator' has attributes:
  • Label: 'Stimulus Isolator'
  • Definition: A stimulus isolatator is a device that can deliver a current or voltage waveform that is used to stimulate a sample, cell, or body part, but is isolated from electrical ground, which both decreases the stimulus artifact in the acquired signal and increases the safety for the user.
  • nidm:'Stimulus Isolator' is a obo:'device'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File'

nidm:'Stimulus Presentation File' has attributes:

nidm:'Stimulus Response File'

nidm:'Stimulus Response File' has attributes:


nidm:'Structural' has attributes:

nidm:'Study Participant'

nidm:'Study Participant' has attributes:

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted'

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging'

nidm:'Susceptibility Weighted Imaging' has attributes:

nidm:'T1 Fast Field Echo'

nidm:'T1 Fast Field Echo' has attributes:

nidm:'T1 Rho Weighted'

nidm:'T1 Rho Weighted' has attributes:
  • Label: 'T1 Rho Weighted'
  • Definition: T1 Rho weighted is an image contrast type in which the transvers magnetization is locked into the transverse plane and therefore differences in voxel intensity reflect differences in interactions of the transverse magnetization of the probe molecule with the lattice (rather than the spin-lattice relaxation time) in the underlying sample.
  • nidm:'T1 Rho Weighted' is a nidm:'Image Contrast Type'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'T1 Weighted'

nidm:'T1 Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'T2 Star Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Star Weighted' has attributes:

nidm:'T2 Weighted'

nidm:'T2 Weighted' has attributes:


nidm:'Task' has attributes:

nidm:'Task Based'

nidm:'Task Based' has attributes:

nidm:'Transmit Coil'

nidm:'Transmit Coil' has attributes:

nidm:'True Fast Imaging With Steady State'

nidm:'True Fast Imaging With Steady State' has attributes:
  • Label: 'True Fast Imaging With Steady State'
  • Definition: True fast imaging with steady state precession (TrueFISP) is a gradient recalled echo based magnetic resonance imaging assay method in which a series of phase-alternating radiofrequency pulses are applied, in conjunction with a balanced set of gradients, generating free induction decays and a steady-state transverse magnetization, the signal from which is collected.
  • nidm:'True Fast Imaging With Steady State' is a nidm:'Steady State Free Precession'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'Voltage Amplifier'

nidm:'Voltage Amplifier' has attributes:

nidm:'Voltage Clamp'

nidm:'Voltage Clamp' has attributes:


nidm:'X-ray' has attributes:
  • Label: 'X-ray'
  • Definition: X-ray is an assay modality in which an x-ray beam is directed across a body part or sample of interest with film placed on the opposite side resulting in an image in which the contrast is generated by the differential absorption of x-rays.
  • nidm:'X-ray' is a nidm:'Acquisition Modality'.
  • Type: owl:Class
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography'

nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography' has attributes:

nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography Acquisition Device'

nidm:'X-ray Computed Tomography Acquisition Device' has attributes:

nidm:'b-value File'

nidm:'b-value File' has attributes:

nidm:'b-vector File'

nidm:'b-vector File' has attributes:

nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme'

nidm:'k-space Traversal Scheme' has attributes:

Datatype Properties

nidm:'DICOM Tag'

nidm:'DICOM Tag' has attributes:
  • Label: 'DICOM Tag'
  • Definition: A DICOM tag is an identifier that denotes a field used to store a value, which may be null, for an assay or other descriptive parameter of an assay object acquired using hardware or software that outputs data in a format that follows the DICOM standard.
  • nidm:'DICOM Tag' is a obo:'identifier'.
  • Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
  • Curation Status: obo:'requires discussion'

nidm:'has applied filter'

nidm:'has applied filter' has attributes:

nidm:'has bath solution'

nidm:'has bath solution' has attributes:

nidm:'has cell type'

nidm:'has cell type' has attributes:

nidm:'has channel number'

nidm:'has channel number' has attributes:

nidm:'has electrode impedance'

nidm:'has electrode impedance' has attributes:

nidm:'had file path'

nidm:'had file path' has attributes:

nidm:'has group label'

nidm:'has group label' has attributes:

nidm:'has hollow electrode solution'

nidm:'has hollow electrode solution' has attributes:

nidm:'has Image Contrast Type'

nidm:'has Image Contrast Type' has attributes:

nidm:'has Image Usage Type'

nidm:'has Image Usage Type' has attributes:

nidm:'has number Of channels'

nidm:'has number Of channels' has attributes:

nidm:'has Numerical Value'

nidm:'has Numerical Value' has attributes:

nidm:'has Path'

nidm:'has Path' has attributes:

nidm:'has recording location'

nidm:'has recording location' has attributes:

nidm:'has solution flow speed'

nidm:'has solution flow speed' has attributes:

nidm:'has unit'

nidm:'has unit' has attributes:

Annotation Properties


nidm:hasAcronym has attributes:

Object Properties

nidm:'had fMRI Design'

nidm:'had fMRI Design' has attributes:


nidm:hadForSubinstrument has attributes:


nidm:hadForVariable has attributes:


nidm:wasMeasuredBy has attributes:


nidm:wasScaleOf has attributes: